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If you or someone you know is in need of shelter call Entry Point Durham at 984-287-8313.

Anyone in need of shelter must first report to Entry Point Durham either in person or at the number above for a coordinated entry and diversion intake. Clients who cannot be diverted from shelter can then be referred to us.

Entry Point Durham Hours and Information

Durham Human Services Building (DSS)
Lobby 27, Floor 2 (Aging and Adult Services)
414 E. Main Street, Durham NC 27701
Phone Number: (984)-287-8313


Monday-Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

Weekends & County Holiday Hours (phone only) 4:00pm - 8:00pm

ELIGIBILITY for emergency shelter at fmf

Families Moving Forward provides emergency shelter for families with children in the crisis of homelessness. To be eligible for our services, a family with children must meet the definition of homelessness through the HUD guidelines and go through a four-step process to be referred for shelter services:

  1. A family must first go through Entry Point Durham.

  2. The family will then complete a Diversion assessment via Entry Point Durham.

  3. If it is determined that the family is still in need of shelter, a referral can be made to Families Moving Forward (FMF).

  4. When space is available, the family is screened for entry into the Emergency Shelter at FMF.

Entry Point Durham

To schedule an appointment with Entry Point Durham, call them at 984-287-8313 or visit Lobby 27 in the Durham County Human Services Complex (414 E. Main Street).  A Coordinated Entry Specialist will ask for basic information about the household and will complete an assessment to determine the most appropriate resource or program for the family. 


The intent of Diversion is to stabilize families in permanent housing without the need for them to enter the shelter system. If shelter is needed, a referral will be made to the family shelter at either FMF or UMD (overflow).

Waiting List

  1. Once referred to FMF, an intake appointment is scheduled.

  2. If there are two adults in the family, both must attend the intake appointment.

  3. If the family meets emergency shelter eligibility requirements, they may choose to enter shelter.

Programs and Services

  1. The NEST (Emergency Shelter)

  2. BRANCHING OUT (Aftercare)